Once again, I took my yearly trip down to Florida for the UOTS Children's Cancer Camp. As I stated before, I am so grateful for the wonderful opportunity to spend a week helping kids with cancer- everytime when I come back, I have a greater appreciation for the happenings in my life (whether good or bad). I have learned so much from both campers and counselors, and I have built very lasting relationships with many of them.This year we went to Walt Disney World and Islands of Adventure to check out the new Harry Potter rides. Disney World was a lot of fun, but we definitely spent a majority of our time standing in line...even though we had special passes. That was a little disappointing. Islands of Adventure was AMAZING (as always). And the Harry Potter section is great... there were 3 rides (2 coasters, 1 simulated 3D ish ride)- definitely worth checking out. It was SO crowded there that you had to wait in line for over an hour just to go in the STORES! :( so unfortunately we did not make it in.
Here are some photos from my amazing week:(unfortunately I can't post pics with campers due to privacy issues, and my camera was thrown into a pool [with me] so I only have pics from the beginning half of the week )
Magic Kingdom: